Friday, October 18, 2019

The Effects of Child Sexual Abuse Research Paper

The Effects of Child Sexual Abuse - Research Paper Example The National Center for Victims of Crime state that sexual abuse can include speaking sexual dialogue to a child, touching their genitals in any way, watching a child when they are naked (voyeurism), rape, including oral or other types of rape, and forcing a child to do sexual acts for performance in pornography or prostitution.This broad definition of sexual abuse gives a better understanding of how children are often exploited without anyone knowing.There is no specific type of person who becomes a child abuser. They can be men and women (though women do not abuse children as often as men), they can be any age, and usually, the perpetrator is in a position of trust (The National Center for Victims of Crime). Some children are victims of incest, which means that someone in their family is either related by blood or the two people have an emotional connection (The National Center for Victims of Crime). Crime statistics show that about 14% of men, who currently are in prison, are chil d sexual abuses. In addition, about 36% of women were abused as children. Child Help also states that 59% of children who have been sexually abused were more likely to be arrested when they are a teenager, 28% more apt to be arrested when they are adults, and they are 30% more likely to commit a violent crime. Children are also more likely to have a sexually transmitted disease as they grow older, and if they have parents who are also alcoholics, they may be more prone to being abused than if the parents do not use alcohol or drugs.

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