Sunday, January 26, 2020
The Choice Of Qualitative And Quantitative Psychology Essay
The Choice Of Qualitative And Quantitative Psychology Essay This chapter presents a detailed justification of the research approach used to answer the research questions and achieve the aim and objectives outlined in chapter one. The chapter begins with an overview of social research design. Section xxx discusses the research paradigm as the theoretical research approach. Section xxx discusses the research methodology. Section xxx discusses the methods adopted in this research for data collection. The chapter outlines the sampling techniques, piloting study and analysis techniques. The chapter also illustrates the research validity, reliability, triangulation, ethical consideration and generalizability of the study. Research Design: Research is defined as an in-depth study of a particular issue or phenomenon which the researcher investigates to solve problems related to that issue/phenomenon Marshall, 1997; Brewerton and Millward, 2001; Wilkinson and Birmingham, 2003; Creswell, 2007; Bryman and Bell, 2007). In the social sciences, various researchers present the research overview the theoretical and practical approaches in different ways. The differences in presentation can be clearly identified between the models of Sarantakos (1998); Crotty (2005) and Saunders et al., (2007). These authors agree that social research can be thought of in terms of the theoretical and practical approaches. However, the terminology adopted varies between. For instance, they use different terminology which can be confusing for other researchers. This section explains three different research designs in other to choose the appropriate research design for the study. Sarantakos (1998) identified three levels of research (see Figure xxx). The first level includes the researchers theoretical approach which combines the epistemology and theoretical perspective, which Sarantakos calls the research paradigm. The second and third levels represent the practical approach which contains the research methodology and methods respectively. Figure xxx: Sarantakos social research design, adopted from Sarantakos (1998) Crotty (2005) named four different research levels for the social research (see Figure xxxx). The first two stages comprise the theoretical approach which contains the research epistemology and theoretical perspective. The following two stages comprise the practical approach the research methodology and methods. Based on Crotty (2005), the four levels are interdependent, as the choice of the research epistemology is followed by the choice of theoretical perspective, the choice of study methodology and the choice of specific methods of data collection and analysis. The last two stages methodology and methods of Crotty and Saratakos model are very similar. However, in terms of theoretical approaches, Crotty outlines two levels epistemology and theoretical perspective are merged into one level the research paradigm in Sarantakos model. Figure xxx presents Crotty (2005) research design. Figure xxx: Crotty social research design, adopted from Crotty (2005) Saunders et al., (2007) offer a different model for social research design which they call the research onion. According to this model, there are six levels in social science research. The research levels are philosophies (e.g. interpretivism); approaches (contain either inductive or deductive); strategies (the research methodology); choices (types of research methods); time horizons (cross-sectional or longitudinal) and techniques and procedures (which includes data collection and analysis techniques). In this model, the theoretical approach contains research philosophies and approaches (inductive and deductive). Meanwhile, the practical approach contains the strategies as a methodology and the other three levels contain the research methods. The methods include both data collection methods and data analysis methods. Figure xxx presents the research onion according to Saunders et al., (2007: 132) Figure xxx: Research onion, Saunders et al., (2007: 132) The three research designs have considerable overlaps in their consideration into the theoretical and practical approaches. This research focuses on Sarantakos model, since it reflects more appropriately the research design adopted in this study. The following sections discuss in details this research design. The Research Paradigm: As mentioned early in Sarantakos research design, the first level reflects the theoretical approach and is named the reseach paradigm (Sarantakos, 1998). The paradigm is a particular theme that is used to test and understand social phenomena (Gephart, 1999; Denzin and Lincoln, 2005). Guba and Lincoln (1994) classified social science research into two models; a subjectivist qualitative (constructivist) model and an objectivist quantitative (positivism and post-positivism) model. Guba (1990) explained that there is a third relativist paradigm called pragmatism which combines the subjectivist qualitative model and objectivist quantitative model and its a paradigm on its own. Later, several authors (e.g. Reichardt and Rallis, 1994; Tashakkori and Teddlie, 1998; Johnson and Onwuegbuzie, 2004; Pansiri, 2005; Creswell and Clark, 2007) agreed that the paradigm which mixes qualitative and quantitative approaches is pragmatism. Table xxx compares positivism, post-positivism, constructivism wit h pragmatism. Table xxx; Compares different positivism, post-positivism, constructivism with pragmatism (Tashakkori and Teddlie, 1998: 23) Paradigm Positivsm Post-positivism Pragmatism Constructivism Methods Quantitative Primarily Quantitative Quantitative + Qualitative Qualitative Logic Deductive Primarily deductive Deductive + Inductive Inductive Epistemology Objective point of view. Knower and Known are dualism Modified dualism. Findings probably objectively true Both objective and subjective point of view Subjective point of view. Knower and Known are inseparable. Axiology Inquiry is value-free Inquiry involves values, but they may be controlled Values play a large role in interpreting results Inquiry is value-bound Ontology NaÃÆ'à ¯ve realism Critical or transcendental realism Accept external reality. Choose explanations that best produce desired outcomes Relativism Causal Linkages Real causes temporarily precedent or simultaneous with effects There are some lawful, reasonable relationships among social phenomena. These may be known imperfectly. Causes are identifiable in probabilistic sense that changes over time. There may be causal relationships, but we will never be able to pin them down All entities simultaneously shaping each other. Its impossible to distinguish causes from effects Pragmatism: Pragmatism is a term derived from the Greek word pragma meaning action, from which the words practice and practical come (James, 2000). Dewey (1920) explained that pragmatism philosophy discover the meaning of idea that needs to be checked consequently. Therefore, when researcher judges a phenomenon, they must follow its empirical and practical consequences and note its impact on the study population (Tashakkori and Teddlie, 1998). Moreover, Easterby et al., (2008) explained that, by using pragmatism, researchers have to study individual experiences very well in order to develop an understanding of a particular phenomenon. Moreover, Krauss (2005) explained that the pragmatist paradigm focuses on qualitative versus quantitative data and that to answer research questions, researchers have to mix objective and subjective approaches. Tashakkori and Teddlie (1998) clarified that by using pragmatism, the research logic contains deductive and inductive approaches. Therefore, the pragmatism philosophy rejects the use of particular research philosophies, such as positivism, post-positivism and constructivism. In addition, Tashakkori and Teddlie (1998) explained that pragmatism focuses on both the meaning and the truth of ideas. Truth is what works at the time and it is not based on a dualism between whether reality is independent of the mind or within the mind. Therefore, when judging ideas, pragmatists consider their empirical and practical consequences. Pragmatism is a research philosophy that eliminates the need of making a forced choice regarding the research epistemology between constructivism and positivism (including post-positivism). A pragmatic paradigm dismisses traditional assumptions about the nature of knowledge, truth and the nature of inquiry. Furthermore, for pragmatists, the research question is more important than the research method that is used (Johnson and Onwuegbuzie, 2004). Creswell (2003) explained that the choice of the research paradigm (pragmatism) related mainly to the purpose and nature of the research questions. The pragmatism allowed the researchers to study different interested areas by employing different sources of evidence (methods) that are appropriate and explain the study findings in a positive manner (Tashakkori and Teddlie, 1998 and Creswell, 2003). Therefore, pragmatism is classified as one of the suitable research philosophies in social and management research that investigates beliefs and attitudes using mixed methodology that combines qualitative and quantitative approaches (Creswell, 2003). Reichardt and Rallis (1994) explained that there is much debate about whether pragmatism is in fact a research philosophy because it holds the centre-ground between two well-established social research philosophies. Johnson and Onwuegbuzie (2004) and Robson (2005) confirmed that pragmatism is no longer a debatable philosophy but has achieved widespread use in social research. To achieve the aim of this research, pragmatism has been chosen as a research philosophy. The next part will discuss the mix between the qualitative and quantitative research approaches. The Choice of Qualitative and Quantitative Research Approach: Discussions have been held by series of researchers in connection with the difference between quantitative and qualitative approaches, including Brewer and Hunter (1989), Silverman (2000), Brewerton and Milward (2001), Holliday (2002), Thomas (2003), Corbetta (2003) and Cooper and Schindler (2005). While quantitative researchers base their accounts on figures and numerical information, according to Gelo et al., (2008), qualitative researchers rely on non-numerical data, for instance words, narrative and feelings. Maanen et al., (1982: 32) introduced a verbal picture to help readers understand the difference between both research types as follows: Quality is the essential character or nature of something; quantity is the amount. Quality is the what; quantity the how much. Qualitative refers to the meaning, the definition or analogy or model or metaphor characterizing something, while quantitative assumes the meaning and refers to a measure of it. Furthermore, Bryman (1996) and Cooper and Schindler (2005) noted that quantitative and qualitative approaches are both valid and researchers can use either. Clarke and Dawson (2000) and Gray (2009) suggested that according to the nature of the research, researchers can mix different approaches, as it hard in deciding the better or more useful approach. Miller and Brewer (2003) confirmed that using a mixed method approach decreases the weaknesses and limitations of the research. Table xxx compare quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods procedures (Creswell, 2003: 19). Table xx: Comparison between quantitative and qualitative research (Source: Creswell, 2003:19) Tend to or Typically Qualitative Approaches Quantitative Approaches Mixed Methods Approaches Use these philosophical assumptions Employ these strategies of inquiry Constructivist/Advocacy /Participatory knowledge claim Phenomenology, grounded theory, ethnography, case study, and narrative Post-positivist knowledge claim Surveys and experiments Pragmatist knowledge claim Sequential, concurrent, and transformative Employ these methods Open-ended questions, emerging approaches, text or image data Closed-ended questions, predetermined approaches, numeric data Both open-and closed-ended questions, both emerging and predetermined approaches, and both quantitative and qualitative data and analysis Use these practices of research as the researcher Position himself or herself and collects participant meanings. Focuses on a single concept or phenomenon Bring personal values into the study Studies the context or setting of participants. Validates the accuracy of findings Makes interpretations of data Creates an agenda for change or reform Collaborates with the participants Tests or verifies theories or explanation Identifies variables to study Relates variables in questions or hypotheses Uses standard of validity and reliability Observes and measures information numerically Use unbiased approaches Employs statistical procedures Collects both quantitative and qualitative data Develops a rationale for mixing Integrates the data at different stages of inquiry Presents visual pictures of the procedures in the study. Employs the practices of both qualitative and quantitative research. Additionally, there are different ways to implement quantitative and qualitative approaches in one study. Johnson and Onwuegbuzie (2004) summarized these in Figure xx. This study combines qualitative and quantitative approaches in a sequential and equal way. The study starts with a qualitative approach through the analysis of mobile payment players (banks and mobile operators) documents and websites. This will then be followed by a quantitative approach using a questionnaire survey of potential consumers of mobile payment services. Time order decision Concurrent Sequential Paradigm emphasis decision Equal Status QUAL + QUAN QUAL à ¢Ã¢â¬ ââ¬â¢ QUAN QUAN à ¢Ã¢â¬ ââ¬â¢ QUAL Dominant Status QUAL + quan QUAN + qual QUAL à ¢Ã¢â¬ ââ¬â¢ quan qual à ¢Ã¢â¬ ââ¬â¢ QUAN QUAN à ¢Ã¢â¬ ââ¬â¢ qual quan à ¢Ã¢â¬ ââ¬â¢ QUAL Figure xxx: Mixed methods approach design matrix (the design used in this study is shown in bold). Note. qualà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã
¸ stands for qualitative, quan stands for quantitative, + stands for concurrent, à ¢Ã¢â¬ ââ¬â¢ stands for sequential, capital letters denote high priority or weight, and lower case letters denote lower priority or weight. Source: Johnson and Onwuegbuzie, 2004:22. Notation based on Morse, 1991. The Research Methodology: Crotty (2005: 3) identified the research methodology research process as: the strategy, plan of action, process or design lying behind the choice and use of particular methods and linking the choice and use of methods to the desired outcomes. Furthermore, Crotty (2005) made a clarification of research methodology as a strategy built on it, the data collection methods, and linking between the use of research methods and research outcomes. In addition, Crotty (2005) explained that there are different kinds of research methodology, and researchers should select the most suitable for their research topic. The research methods for this study: Having reviewed series of literatures, several factors led to the choice of methods used for this research. Triangulation methods have been proposed for this research and this will complement each other in order to yield a quality result. According to Tshakkori and Teddlie, (2003), triangulation is one way that involves a combination of data collection to get good results. Although the term triangulation has different meanings, it is associated with using combinations of methods with a strategy of convergent validity being common (Bryman 2004). Kholoud (2009) cites Johnson et al., (2007) who identified four types of triangulation: data triangulation, investigator triangulation, theory triangulation, and methodological triangulation. Kholoud further cites the same authors for defining ways in which quantitative and qualitative methods can be combined. From research on technology acceptance perspective, technology acceptance has a dominant theoretical urge which is positivist in nature. The current research aim is to design a predictive viable model of behaviour intentions of users of technology services (in this case mobile payment). This objective requires the means of a structured, well-defined framework, and definite measurements that could establish relationships between variables, such that inferences could be made from the research study sample to a larger population. Most of these qualities can be addressed by quantitative research methods (Johnson et al., 2007). The stimulus of this study is to test hypotheses which relates to the proposed conceptual framework model as well as different hypothesized relationships previously accepted in technology acceptance context. The conceptual drive of this research is deductive in nature. The research proposes to follow a confirmatory strategy of research that needs empirical analysis (a way of proving or disproving previously assumed hypotheses related to mobile payment acceptance). Despite the fact that this study will be mainly quantitative, qualitative methods will be employed at the initial stages of the study. Structured observations will be employed allowing for in-depth assessment of mobile payment schemes in the country in order to determine those that could be researched. Figure xxx shows the eleven main steps in a quantitative research process. To answer the research question, this study aim to follow the path in the order in which they appear as shown below. However, the steps at times might overlap during the course of the research. Figure xxx: Process of Quantitative Research as outlined by Bryman Bell (2007). In this study, theories and literatures underpinning this study will be advanced to guide the research deductively. Research Designs: The major reason of this research is in testing the hypotheses which could explain the variance in the dependent variables. Such analyses fit a correlation study design as described herein. Correlation Designs: Correlational design measures two or more variables with the eventuality of measuring the dependent variables. It does not manipulate one or more independent variables. The major premise of this research was that if a statistical significant relationship was in existence between the independent and the dependent variables, there would be the possibility of predicting the dependent variable using information available in the other variable. Within quantitative methods, the investigation used correlation research design (see Figure xxx) to determine if there was an existence of some relationship between independent constructs and the dependent constructs of behaviour intention to use mobile payment. Figure xxx: Illustration of the Research Designs according to Mugenda (2008, p. 65) In this kind of scenario, the research study will apply reliability coefficients, multiple correlation coefficients, generalized linear regression model coefficients; and path model coefficients for different study assessments of the collected data. These will be discussed below: a) Reliability analysis will be carried out using Cronbachs Alpha commonly called coefficient for Internal Consistency (IC) and inter-item correlation coefficient. According to De Vellis (1991), reliability is a measure of the degree to which a research instrument would yield the same results after repeated trials. Cronbachs Alpha provides information on the degree to which each item in the construct correlates with at least one other item of the construct. The analysis can estimate the proportion of true score variance that is captured by the indicators by comparing the sum of indicator variances with the variance of the sum scale. Cronbachs statistic was computed as follows: Cronbach = ÃŽà ± = number of items * number of items ÃÅ'à ¶ 1 Where sà ² denotes the variance for the number of individual items; s2 denotes the variance for the sum of all questions or items (which is esoteric and unique, and, therefore, uncorrelated across respondents), then the variance of the sum will be the same as the sum of variances of the individual questions/items. Therefore, coefficient alpha will be equal to zero. If all items are perfectly reliable and measure the same thing (true score), then coefficient alpha is equal to 1. In this investigation, the construct would demonstrate an acceptable level of reliability if the Cronbachs alpha was at least 0.6. b) Multiple correlation coefficients (Rà ²), will be used to describe the extent to which a dependent variable was explained by a set of independent variables. The statistic was used to measure the predictive power of the model that has been estimated. The value of Rà ² ranges from 0 to 1, and in this study, neither threshold nor the minimum value is pre-determined but instead the statistic only state the percentage variation in the dependent variables as explained by the independent variables. Symbolically, the (Rà ²) statistic is defined as follows: Rà ² = Where observ is the measurement of random variable observ on individual i. The est.observ and est.mean are the predicted measurements and mean values respectively. The mean of measurements for the n individuals is also factored into the calculation in equation 3.1 in order to obtain Rà ². A complete analysis of the entire model requires an examination of the goodness of fit using Rà ² and adjusted R-squared. The goodness of fit measures how well the model parameter estimates is able to explain the variations in the dependent factor of the model and reproduce the sample covariance matrix. The adjusted Rà ² equally measures the goodness of fit as does the Rà ², but instead, the former statistic takes into account the degrees of freedom (expressed as the number of observations and number of estimated coefficients) as stated in equation 3.2. Thus, Adjusted Rà ² = 1 c) The Generalized Linear Regression model (GLM) coefficients are weighted coefficients that indicate the magnitude, direction and significance of the possible linear relationship between the independent and dependent variables. The techniques measures both direct and indirect effects of the independent variables on dependent variable respectively. The technique handles the moderating effects in the analysis of linear models. The GLM was appropriate because of its nature of handling fixed factors, covariates and the interaction effects. The model results, will allow a direct comparison of the variance explained from both estimation measures. In the context of this study, it was hypothesized that three factors; performance expectancy, relevancy and social influence (culture) determine behaviour intentions. On the other hand, behaviour intentions together with facilitating conditions (technical support/training) determine usage. It was further postulated that the independent variables in the model were moderated by gender, age, experience and awareness, all of which required an appropriate modelling technique. Thus, the GLM that handled both direct and indirect effects were used in the form of the following equation (Eq. 3.4). Y = X ß + (X * M) ÃŽà ¸ + U Where Y is a matrix with multivariate measurements of the response or dependent variables X is a matrix of the block of independent variables; ß is a matrix of parameters to be estimated; U is the vector of the error terms. d) The path model employs the path analysis statistical technique for decomposing correlations into different pieces for interpretation of effect. It allows one to compare the direct effects of variables in a complex system of relationships. The path model measures direct effects or the possible inclination of the independent variables on the dependent variable in the network of variables. The path model only establishes linear relationships between variables and also indicates the predictive power of the model being evaluated. The mathematical relationships between the variables may be expressed as a set of linear equations, called the path model. According to Keeves, (1972) the fundamental principle of the path model that allows the linear equations to be estimated is: rà ¡Ã µÃ ¢ = Ãâ à © p * r Where i and j denote two variables in the network and the index k includes all variables from which paths lead directly to the dependent construct (j), r is the correlation coefficient and p is the path coefficient. Equation 3.5 can be expanded by successive applications of the formula itself to r. In this case, the errors from behaviour intentions and facilitating conditions all point at usage behaviour. Expressed in expanded form can be read directly from the path diagram by using the following direct relationships in this study: BIC = ÃŽà ±PEC + ÃŽà ±REC + ÃŽà ±SOC BUC = ÃŽà ±FOC + ÃŽà ±BIC EBC = ÃŽà ±BUC Where BIC is Behavioural Intention, PEC is performance expectancy, REC is relevance, FOC is facilitating conditions, BUC is usage behaviour and EBC is expected benefits constructs respectively. In this study, a path coefficient with a negative sign implies an inverse relationship between constructs whereas a coefficient with a positive sign implies that there is a direct relationship between two constructs. Survey Designs: There are two types of surveys used when evaluating acceptance and use of technology as discussed in 3.2.1. These are longitudinal surveys and cross-sectional survey. Since mobile payment services being investigated are in their early years of introduction, the best survey method is a cross-sectional. By using cross-sectional survey, the study would be able to predict future usage. i) Cross-sectional survey The study proposes to use a survey approach to collect data that could be a representative of the real phenomena in the population from which the study sample will be drawn. The study will focus on the link between end-users behaviour intentions to use mobile payment services. In IS/IT evaluation studies, cross-sectional survey methods are not new because they have been used by several authors, Gefen et al., (2002), Chau and Hu (2001), Venkatesh and Davis (2000) and Venkatesh and Morris (2000). A cross-sectional survey design will be utilized to gather quantitative data to assess the relationships between the study variables. A cross-sectional study/research involves data collection that covers a one-off time period. Data collection of individual observations can occur at one point in time or may be over a period of days, weeks or months. In the case of the current study, the data collection aim to be for a period of three months. According to Mugenda (2008), Mugenda and Mugenda (2003), this sort of survey helps to establish whether significant associations among variables exist. The additional value of this type of survey is that one can generate testable hypotheses, which the current study aims to do. Cross-sectional designs have three distinctive features: there is no time dimension, only differences between groups are measured rather than changes over time; there is reliance on existing differences rather than change following any intervention and there is no allowance for differences to emerge over time; and grouping individuals in the sample is based on existing differences or according to a category or the independent variable to which they happened to belong rather than random allocation. The researcher was aware of the limitations of this type of investigation, but the research timeframe might not permit the use of a longitudinal study. When data is collected at more than one point in time and then later on, the study is considered longitudinal (Crestwell, 2003). Longitudinal studies are feasible when there is need to describe the pattern and direction of change and stability (De Vaus, 2001). The objective of this study is to understand usage behaviour as a dependent variable that would predict the actual usage of the services in future. The current study will employ cross-sectional survey and college students will be used for this study. Behaviour intention is associated with self-predicted future usage of a new technology. Furthermore, measuring behaviour intention as a predictor of future usage behaviour is also important. The researcher believes that the experience college students will gain in using mobile payment services would impact on their behavioural intentions if they intend to use the service in future. As reported in the conceptual framework section, behaviour intentions as a dependent variable measured in a cross-sectional study can help to identify future usage of mobile payment services. It is because of these reasons that the current study proposes to use a cross-sectional survey method which will be carried out over a period of three months. STUDY POPULATION Methods of Data Collection: This section presents the final research level namely the research methods. Crotty (2005) defined research methods as the techniques used by researchers to collect and analyse the data required to answer the research questions. Moreover, according to Saunders et al., (2007), research methods are the various procedures used to collect data, such as questionnaire, observation and interviews, and to analyse it, e.g. statistical and non-statistical techniques, according to the nature of the research. Since this study is basically quantitative in nature, questionnaires will be used. Furthermore, to determine the research reliability and validity, the researcher will use multiple sources of evidence. The research method to be applied will be in accordance with the research objective. For this study, the practical objective will be to identify the main elements that influence consumer acceptance and use of mobile payment services. This objective will be achieved by designing a comprehensive questionnaire to identify the main factors that impact on consumers behavioural intentions towards the acceptance and use of mobile payment. In this regard, about 1000 questionnaires are proposed to be distributed to college students willing to participate in this research study. Structured Interviews: Researchers prepare themselves in advance by setting up a predetermined list of questions with limited option responses (closed questions). Usually structured interviews are associated with social surveys which aim to interview as wide range of respondents as possible to collect large volumes of data (Bernard, 2000; Denscombe, 2003). Saunders et al., (2007) classified the structured interview as a type of questionnaire which is administered face-to-face. Questionnaire Survey: Based on the proposed research model, the research questionnaire will be designed to identify the main constructs that impact consumer behavioural intentions towards the acceptance and use of mobile payment. Thus, a questionnaire survey method will be applied in this study. Robson (2005) clarified the full benefits of using questionnaires in business research within a survey strategy. Fink (1995:1) identified survey as: A survey is a system for collecting information to describe, compare, or explain knowledge, attitudes, and behaviour. Survey involves setting objectives for information collection, designing research, administering and scoring the instrument, analysing data, and reporting the resul
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Importance of Playing Sports Essay
But I think as generation is passing by the importance of sports and games is diminishing.Todays youth is more interested in virtual games like playing Xbox ,PS,mobile games rather than real games which could be beneficial for them.Not only shifting of interest to virtual games,some have reasons of studies or work and they are not able to take out time for sports and games or they donââ¬â¢t give much importance to it.But here my motive is to make you aware of its benefits and what are the things you are loosing if you donââ¬â¢t have time or you donââ¬â¢t have any importance for it. Playing sports and games can give you a numerous benefits which can lead to overall improvement of your body both mentally and physically.Lets check out what are the benefits it can give you. I Assume that everybody knows how important it is for physical health.Not only it keeps you fit and healthy for a period of time in fact it helps you for life time. I have seen many people at mature age they find difficulties with physical fitness.A strong reasons for many can be at their young age they never gave importance for sports. Researches are found the evidence that at age of maturity or old age the person who were found with difficulties physical and health ,for many, reasons were the same. Playing sports can boast up your strength which leads to activeness.It keeps you active all the time whether at time of work or studies. As I mentioned above that sports and games can lead to a very fit and fine body.You donââ¬â¢t have to go gym for body fitness ,Sports is enough to keep your body fit. Builds up energy, stamina and strength. For health and mind both sports and games are very beneficial.It keeps you fit from inside,improves immune system which in turn gives a healthy and fit body. It helps in refreshing your mind.Working or studying all the time can make make your thinking, decision or learning power low.,makes your life more with stress ,tension and workload.So here taking out some time to play some sports or games can makes you distress. Research and study have reported that those who play sports and games at young age they have much growth of mind as compared to others.Games like chess, Sudoku ,Monopoly,Scrabble helps you in opening a mind and growth to think. I think that life is very similar to sports and games.So I believe that it can teach you a lot of things which can help in many ways in your normal life. Sports and games teaches a young mind a lot of things ,Decision making is one of them.You know when you play some sports or game you have to make some decisions these decisions train your mind how to make decisions in life. Playing games and sports give you a lot of motivation in life at the time of your difficult situations, hectic life etc.. When you play sports which need team members to play ,it teaches you how to work in a team,teaches you strength of unity,team bonding.This helps you at time when you are working at some place which requires team work. It teaches you how to make a discipline in personal and professional life. When you play sports or some game ,some time the situation get very crucial and that time you have to get down all your capabilities to focus.Same things happens in life when you struggling with crucial situations. Sports and games teaches you the art of patience at difficult times in life. As I mentioned above it keeps you fit mentally as well as physically all over your life time.Lower the chances of diseases and physical problems. Sports and games are nothing without challenges.You have to take challenges from your self as well as from opponent. This teaches you how to accept challenges in normal life. Likewise there are many things a person can learn from sports and games, not only for professional life but personal life too. When we talk about the sports and games, there are many which are beneficial for normal person but here I will tell you those sports and games for which you donââ¬â¢t need high skills and extra efforts to play.I have divided the list of sports and games according to physical and mental benefits. Physical Football Swimming Cycling Basket ball Rope skipping Running| Mental Chess Scrabble Sudoku Monopoly Snake and ladders(refreshment)| How to take out time for Sports and games? I know many have reasons that they donââ¬â¢t have much time other than their work or studies but it is not possible.Its all about managing the time,so for making out time for sports and games you need to mange your time thatââ¬â¢s it. Half or an hour a day is enough to keep you healthy and fit with other benefits.Who all are working can make out their time after the work post probably the evening and those who are studying can make out time when taking breaks.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Argumentative Thesis Statement Secrets
Argumentative Thesis Statement Secrets When composing a thesis statement, make certain it focuses on one major idea that will be reasonably covered within your preferred page length. Rather than wasting plenty of time to discover an appropriate one to contrast it is extremely prudent to work out the very best statement. It is essential that the thesis statement needs to be slimmed down so as to stick to the guidelines of the given writing exercise. If you're prepared to get going on crafting the ideal statement, keep reading. Here's What I Know About Argumentative Thesis Statement A thesis is a one or two sentence overview of the chief use of the paper. Then you'll need to revise your thesis statement while you're writing the paper. For a lengthier essay, you require a thesis statement that is more versatile. A thesis statement is a rather important portion of your essay that proclaims the most important idea of the full work. Quite simply, it's the basis of your essay con veyed in one sentence. You could also see concept essays. Bear in mind an argument essay ought to be somewhat persuasive. It is crucial to note an argumentative essay and an expository essay might be similar, but they vary greatly with regard to the quantity of pre-writing and research involved. You can also see academic essay. You could also see analytical essay. You might also see descriptive essay. Writing an argumentative essay can at times be confusing since you don't necessarily understand how to compose a convincing argument. Choosing a sort of claim or argument can help you keep your thesis from becoming too wide. 1 point might be also enough. As you work on your thesis, don't forget to keep the remainder of your paper in mind in any way times. If after following the steps and taking note of the advice and tricks, you find it difficult to compose a crucial analysis, don't be afraid to ask support from EssayPro. Helping students with explaining the feeling of an issue to the audience is the way it works. Put simply, the thesis has to be something that individuals could reasonably have differing opinions on. If your thesis is something which is normally agreed upon or accepted as fact then there's not any reason to attempt to persuade people. You are requ ested to convince your reader of your viewpoint. An excellent outline is a significant element in writing a superior paper. A thesis produces a particular statement to the reader what you'll be attempting to argue. Things You Won't Like About Argumentative Thesis Statement and Things You Will The sort of paper determines the shape of the thesis statement. Perhaps you aren't sure yet, either. The undertaking of a thesis is to demonstrate your explanation explains words or deeds that weren't explained before. There are a few types of essay paper that have its thoughts and purposes. Don't forget to continue to keep your ideas related to your primary claim. An argumentative essay example will reveal the should possess some crucial components which make it better in the practice of convincing. You're able to discover immediate answers here. Another very good idea is to locate reliable support online. The matter is there are so many folks that are still smoking. Example Fed eral immigration law is a difficult issue about which a lot of people disagree isn't an arguable thesis as it does not assert a position. You are able to always observe a strong thesis statement example on the website of the greatest online writing service. Thinking about how you would like to approach your topic, in different words what kind of claim you need to make, is one method to focus your thesis on one specific component of your broader topic. So it may even be handy to draw a chart or picture of your ideas and the way they're connected to aid you in getting started. Make sure that the theme is definitely much familiar to you personally. Quite simply, if it's presented unclearly, vaguely, or in an overly elaborate way, it is going to be quite challenging to back this up effectively in the remainder of the essay. The Unexposed Secret of Argumentative Thesis Statement There are various approaches and unique approaches to compose a thesis statement. If you don't make su re you provide a very clear explanation, such terms cannot send any explicit message to the audience. To begin with, the term pollution usually means that something is bad or negative in some manner. Fortunately, there's no lack of provocative, highly-debatable topics to select from. The Characteristics of Argumentative Thesis Statement Clearly, if you would like your reader to listen to what you've got to say, you want to show that you've thought out your argument from many angles. You will not locate a thesis statement generator on the internet that is able to make an original argument which will not bore the reader. You ought to make your argument as clear and specific as possible. A comprehensive argument As mentioned before, an argument does not need to be formal. If you're still uncertain about how to compose a thesis statement or what an excellent thesis statement is, be certain to seek the advice of your teacher or professor to ensure you're on the right path. Fort unately, despite what you might have been told, writing a thesis statement is in fact incredibly uncomplicated. A great thesis statement will accomplish exactly the same thing. Most significantly, it makes a statement.
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
The Attack On Pearl Harbor - 1420 Words
Pearl Harbor December 7, 1941 the Imperial Japanese Navy did an aerial surprise attack on Pearl Harbor the United States naval base at Pearl Harbor, in the U. S Territory of Hawaii, on the morning of December 7, 1941. This air attack was simultaneous 353 Japanese fighter planes, bombers, and torpedo planes in two waves. Flew low and swiftly threw the harbor The direct result was more than 2,400 American servicemen were killed and over a 1,000 wounded the direct actions of this event lead the U.S. into WWII. The following day president Franklin D. Roosevelt declared war on Japan. ââ¬Å"A date that will live in infamyâ⬠This was a day that our country wishes to never live again. The attack happened in Hawaii at the Naval Military base. Pearl Harbor was attacked by Japanese planes piloted kamikaze mission was a relentless destroying and doing as much damage as possible over the entire island not just military bases but residential as well dropping low and high attitude bombs. before eventually the ran out of ammo or and crashed their plane into a ship or anything that could be damaged these were call Kamikaze pilots they were men that began an assault on US forces stationed in the Philippines. General Douglas MacArthur had failed to gather intel to the men on board the ships and returning air team to return fire for this attack. The Japanese aircraft destroyed much of USA Air Force that was at the hanger. The Japanese main target the aircraft ship with all the planes was out at seaShow MoreRelatedThe Attack On Pearl Harbor1582 Words à |à 7 PagesThe attack on Pearl Harbor is known today as a horrible event brought on by revenge and Japanââ¬â¢s need for control. This event is one of the single most important events in American history proving that the Japanese armed services may have been strategically stronger and more powerful at one time. The United States was not involved in WWII; that began with Germany invading Poland. The attack on Pearl Harbor, however, l ed to the United Statesââ¬â¢ involvement in World War II. It also brought with itRead MoreThe Attack on Pearl Harbor754 Words à |à 3 PagesAttack on Pearl Harbor Introduction. I chose this battle because I had been hearing about the attack on Pearl Harbor, but I did not know much about it. This paper talks about the countries that fought in this battle, where the battle was fought, what the geography was like during the battle, what the weather was like, what happened during this battle, how many casualties occurred, other things I learned about the battle, who won the battle, and how the battle was important to WWII. What countriesRead MoreThe Attack At Pearl Harbor1596 Words à |à 7 Pages THE ATTACK AT PEARL HARBOR Colleen Hendy American History 1302 Professor Benjamin Carr July 25, 2016 The Attack at Pearl Harbor Seventy-five years ago, in the early morning of December 7, 1941, ââ¬Å"the Japanese launched hundreds of attack planes off warships, 230 miles off the coast of Hawaii in the Pacific Ocean.â⬠2 The United States had no indication that an attack was about to occur. These planes were ââ¬Å"heading straight to Oahu, the home of Pearl Harbor and the Unites States PacificRead MoreThe Attack On Pearl Harbor1741 Words à |à 7 Pagescountries involved. Even though those were the major countries involved at the beginning, one major turning point in war was when the United States was brought into war, which probably changed how the war ended by American intervention. The attack on Pearl Harbor is what mainly triggered the action into being involved at war from the U.S. (Unfinished Nation, p612), and from that point on, the Japanese were treated very different, with discrimination and exclusion for many years (Identification RecordsRead MoreThe Attack Of Pearl Harbor1351 Words à |à 6 PagesJapanese forces attacked Pearl Harbor. They demolished the entire United States Pacific Fleet. At the time, Franklin Delano Roosevelt was the thirty-second president of the United States. He was in his third term when the devastating attack began. The attacked took place at the U.S. Naval Base in Oahu, Hawaii. The air attack started at 7:48 in the morning, Hawaiian time. There were about 3,500 casualties from the bombing, and more than 2,300 of them were deaths. The attack beached or sank 12 AmericanRead MoreThe Attack Of Pearl Harbor832 Words à |à 4 Pages On December 7, 1941 the world was embroiled into the attack of Pearl Harbor in Hawaii. Japan attacked Pearl Harbor with their ally, Nazi Germany. It started with Japan being a bit suspicious and not so thrilled with the Treaty of Versailles as it was seen as a way to keep everything in ship shape even if there were some disagreements in the world. The attack of Pearl Harbor could have been prevented if America had not forced them to trade, had not moved the Pacific Fleet in California, and by notRead MoreThe Attack On Pearl Harbor1442 Words à |à 6 Pages West of Honolulu in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii on December 7th, 1941 Japanese pilots and leaders could be seen with eyes glowing with pride. For they had accomplished a great thing that day in the lagoon harbor. At that point they felt they has honored their Country with flying colors. Much of the harbor and surrounding lands was a United States naval base and was also the headquarters of Americaââ¬â¢s Pacific fleet. On December 7th, 1941, the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in Hawaii became America s Read MoreThe Attack On Pearl Harbor917 Words à |à 4 Pageslive in infamy (Staff, 2009). This famous words were delivered by former United States President Franklin D. Roosevelt. A day that change America forever. This paper will provide a description of the events that build up to the attack on Pearl Harbor, the effects of the attack and will al so provide insight on how the United States responded. Events For four years, conflict between China and Japan continued to escalate influencing U.S. relations with both nations, and eventually contributed to theRead MoreThe Attack On Pearl Harbor1042 Words à |à 5 PagesJonah Keller Grace Komorous WWII Report 15 March 2017 Pearl Harbor Introduction ââ¬Å"Pearl Harbor is an inlet, or bay on the southern coast of Oahu, an island in Hawaii.â⬠The attack on Pearl Harbor was a surprise attack on the U.S naval base, located in Hawaii. On December 7, 1941 Japanese warplanes carried out an attack on the U.S naval base Pearl Harbor. Japanââ¬â¢s plan was to just completely destroy the pacific fleet. That way the Americans would not be able to fight back as Japanââ¬â¢s armed forces spreadRead MoreThe Attack On Pearl Harbor1478 Words à |à 6 PagesOn December 7, 1941 Japan stealthily attacked the U.S. Naval base located at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii resulting in many casualties. This IMC plan will outline the objectives, strategies and tactics in order to promote awareness of the attacks as well as develop positive community involvement. The challenge is to inform the residents of Hawaii as well as the general American public concerning the attacks on Pearl Harbor. The objectives discussed in this plan will be achieved through the creation of a
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